This wild, western coast of Wales seems to give rise to many prehistoric sites, not least of all Carreg Samson which we discovered in a farmer’s field near the tiny harbour of Abercastle. Impressively guarded by dozens of sheep – or perhaps offering an inimitable shelter to the sheep – its dramatic clifftop location is breathtaking with far reaching views to the cliffs and Irish Sea beyond.
The name apparently translates simply as ‘Samson’s Stone’ and refers to the legend that Saint Samson (whoever he may be…) placed the huge capstone in place, perfectly balanced on just three of the seven standing stones, just using his little finger; fine chance that! Surface excavation suggested that the dolmen is the remains of a passage tomb.

We could have climbed on top but that didn’t seem to be very appropriate so ‘framed’ shots of glorious views were taken from within the stones, looking North towards the sea – and simple sketches drawn with an effort to reflect the balance points of the seven, magnificent, weighty upright stones and their 4.5 metre crowning glory.